Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday's recipe links - today's feature: quinoa

Today I bring you all things quinoa! There must be something here to make you want to start adding this super food to your diet.
  1. A good basic recipe for preparing quinoa including instructions on washing it. Always wash your quinoa before cooking it to remove its bitter coating.
  2. Beets, spiced quinoa and yogurt. The New York Times. 
  3. Delicious big bowl. Quinoa mixed with potatoes, walnuts, asparagus and onion. 101 Cookbooks.
  4. Quinoa stir fry with kale, chili and nuts from UK food writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. The Guardian.
  5. Tricolour quinoa featuring goat cheese, pine nuts, cherry and sun-dried tomatoes, basil and parmesan. Pretty! Canadian Living.
  6. What I'm making this week - Black bean and tomato quinoa. Epicurious.
  7. Or maybe I'll make this - Moroccan quinoa salad. 20 Minute Supper Club.
  8. Quinoa and turkey patties in pita with tahini sauce. Martha Stewart.
  9. A great quinoa cookbook - Quinoa 365: The Everyday Superfood.
  10. Lastly - a story on the impact of the growth of quinoa's popularity on Boliva.The article also links to the below recipes. NPR. 

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